The books,the stars, the movies

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Dont Forget Your Dreams

Wouldn't you say that forgetting dreams is annoying? There have been many times when I first wake up I'd think what a great dream I just had, then later on in the day I'd try to share it with someone and I can't remeber what had happened. One way to help remeber is to write it down as soon as you wake up. I'd like to share my dreams on this blog. You can share yours also, think of it as a memory keeper for your dreams, wake up, jot them down, and you won't forget. Then share them.You never know, your dream could turn into a story. Like the author of "Twilight", she got her idea from her dream. So whether your a dream expert or dream lover, and want to comment on my dreams, or just like to get some laughs, have fun and DREAM ON.

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