The books,the stars, the movies

Friday, October 3, 2008

Too Personal?

I am beginning to think sharing dreams, for some, may be too personal. I expect that may be the reason I haven't added many here as well. Thank you for visiting my Blog, and I soon will have another one up and running, with more followers I hope.


Thursday, October 2, 2008

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Tuesday Night
My very many dream scenarios of this evening were interrupted each time I awoke, and then new ones started when I fell back to sleep. This is the one I can see most vividly.
While taking a train ride (don't know where to) I was seated in front of a friend of mine, its was an open train, (not closed off such as the LI RR, Amtrak, etc). Each row had their own "conductor", ours was a man dressed in camouflage. He was seated on a platform, somewhat higher than the rest of us. We passed by animals, like a zoo or something, there were pony's. Then there were animals that were not familiar, they were small, the babies. They were colorful, orange, pink and blue. The next stop were the large version and they were running after the train, and some climbed aboard. People were screaming and trying to run away. I remember feeling afraid, and trying to hide behind my bags.

So that's it, some weird species of animals attacking my train ride. Very odd. Do you know what that means? Do dreams all mean something? I know I'm waiting for my dream that tells me the winning lotto numberss and what we should do to make this a better world.

Remember, DREAM ON

Thursday, September 25, 2008

dream definition

Dreams are the images, thoughts and feelings experienced while sleeping, particularly strongly associated with rapid eye movement sleep. The contents and biological purposes of dreams are not fully understood, though they have been a topic of speculation and interest throughout recorded history. The scientific study of dreams is known as oneirology.

source, retrieved 9/25/08

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Nightmare, Love

This dream was from a few months ago, I'd say Spring, '08.

While carrying on what seemed to be a normal day, a knock on the door proved otherwise. It was a large group of hungry people, looking to eat me and my family... they were similar to zombies, but not quite "undead". They ran after me, taring down what was in their path, they knocked over an above ground swimming pool, they were monstrous. After a brief run, I climbed over a fence to get to a house that looked empty, I ran over toward it, yet there were people inside,as I went to runaway I realized that they were "uncontaminated", or like me, safe. So I stayed there and became friends with the family, there were no "undeads" anywhere, I was relieved. I became good friends with the son who lived there. One night I saw the mother of the house with a dead body(using it for dinner) it was then I knew I wasn't really SAFE at all, they were only keeping me alive because the son was in love with me, I had to pretend I didn't know- it felt so scary.
Thats it, then I woke up. I need to discover how we can return from a dream after waking up from one and wanting to know what else could happen.

Dreamless Night

I have heard that you do dream every night, you just don't always realize it, or remember it (actually you tend to have many dreams through out the night, not just one). This morning I woke up from such a deep and restful slumber, that I can only imagine what I dreamed about, and I wouldn't write about that. To make up for my lack of imagery from last evening, I will share a nightmare I had many years ago, I was only a child.
I was at my grandparents house, I was playing and when I went in to see my Nana, she was laying on the couch, with an arm missing. It was so scary to me I woke up crying.
I still remember it to this day, more than 10 years later, so vivid, as if I had seen it for real.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Dont Forget Your Dreams

Wouldn't you say that forgetting dreams is annoying? There have been many times when I first wake up I'd think what a great dream I just had, then later on in the day I'd try to share it with someone and I can't remeber what had happened. One way to help remeber is to write it down as soon as you wake up. I'd like to share my dreams on this blog. You can share yours also, think of it as a memory keeper for your dreams, wake up, jot them down, and you won't forget. Then share them.You never know, your dream could turn into a story. Like the author of "Twilight", she got her idea from her dream. So whether your a dream expert or dream lover, and want to comment on my dreams, or just like to get some laughs, have fun and DREAM ON.