Breaking Dawn Part 1 movie was a big hit! The Twi-hards lined up to see this flick, with Edward, Bella, Jacob, and all the other favorites. They had to break it up into two movies, a) for the money, and b) it was a very long book.
I loved it, well i liked it a while lot. I felt that the acting was much better than the first, and second even. The wedding was gorgeous. But I do feel that they "dummied" it down a bit. There was a cameo by the Twilight series author Stephenie Meyer (in the wedding scene) in case you missed it. The honeymoon spot was beautiful. I think they did an OK job of sticking to the book, and I honestly can't wait until the next movie. But, I do like the books better!
If you haven't seen Part 1 yet, make sure to stick around after the credits, there is another scene!