It can be argued that the majority of the Twilight Saga fans are young teens, and with an R rating parents will not allow their children to see the film. I beg to differ. I feel parents these days are becoming less restrictive, and if they allowed their children to read the book, they most likely will allow them to view the movie as well.
The decision is still up in the air, however the talk is that it will most likely be PG-13, since the author Stephenie Meyer is advocating it. We will have to use our imaginations for the parts they'll have to leave out.
Some devoted fans have a petition to give Breaking Dawn a R-rating.
Here's an example of their logic:
"We, the undersigned fans of the The Twilight Saga, would like to petition the director of the final chapter in the Saga, Breaking Dawn, to reconsider rating the movie PG-13.It is understood that not only is Breaking Dawn rated R in the book, the director should produce a film that mirrors it's book in original form that is greatly loved by females (and some males) all over the world. Losing major details of the movie will definitely hurt the release of Breaking Dawn and disappoint fans everywhere." (
So far they have 1,418 signatures. Sign the petition here.