Oprah- Friday's live in Chicago. Today, we get to meet Stephenie Meyer. The mastermind behind the Twilight series, the reason we all love vampires and werewolves. Her first and only interview.
Did you know?
- Twilight was on the NY Times bestseller list for 143 weeks
- Twilight movie made $380 mil at the box office
Stephenie Meyer is a 35 year old stay at home. She has 3 boys. She started writing in 2003, after she had an interesting dream. "It was bizarre that I dreamt about vampires" Stephenie told Oprah. This story took her into a "fantasy world". She had never read horror or vampires. She kept her writing private, she didn't even tell her husband.
When she was done, she noticed how long it was. She said her sister pushed her to publish it. She got her self an agent. Ready for this? She got 9 rejections. That didn't stop her. Her stories turned into very successful movies for moms and teens to enjoy everywhere.
Stephenie thought the hardest role to cast would be Edward. But, when she saw Rob Pattinson, she knew he'd be perfect because "he doesn't look like everyone else" and when he was in his vampire makeup she said "he looked exactly like he(Edward) did in my head." Oprah asked her what Rob is like, and if he smelled good. "Yes he smells good" Stephenie replied with a smile, she also said he's funny, and not like the character Edward at all.
Rob Pattinson is on the cover of Vanity Fair this month.
Jacob She knew it would be a challenge to have the werewolves in the movie, but she said they wound up looking so realistic. "I wanted to cry and jump up and scream" she said. I think she was happy with how it turned out.
She let out a Secret
There was almost another ending for New Moon, but Stephenie's mom said it needs more action, so she introduced the Volturi earlier than she intended.
Bolivar, MO
A middle school filled with Twilight fans, all adorned with New Moon tee's. They have a waiting list of 1000 students waiting for a book (from the Twilight series), but Oprah wouldn't let that predicament go unsolved. Stephenie announced that she will be sending the school 600 copies: all 4 books. That was a really great moment.
After a hug and a Thank You, their interview was over.
New Moon will be in theaters November 20th. Enjoy!